Endorphina Ltd

Friday, 17 February 2017, 10:42 am
Press Release: Hapai Te Hauora
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  2. Endorphina Ltd

Hāpai Te Hauora commends international company foraction against cultural appropriation and gamblingharm

Next-generation platform provider Pronet Gaming has added slots from Endorphina to its online igaming offering. Operators using Pronet Gaming’s casino services will now have access to more than 85 popular titles including recent releases and the popular Chance Machine and Lucky Streak series. Endorphina has released its first title of 2021 with its Chinese New Year-themed slot Golden Ox, which celebrates the year of the Ox. Golden Ox is a five-reel, slot game with 50 pay lines that includes a Gamble feature and a Risk Game, which allows players the chance to double their winnings.

Hāpai Te Hauora, supported byindigenous academics and public health experts, recentlytook a stand against the appropriation of Māori culture andthe potential to cause harm through problem gambling.

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Today we congratulate software developer Endorphina Ltdfor doing the right thing and responding to the voice ofMāori by removing a product which was offensive to ourpeople.

'We are especially pleased that this actionhas resulted in Endorphina Ltd implementing culturalawareness policies intended to ensure Māori and otherindigenous people do not become the face of gamblingpromotion worldwide' said Anthony Hawke GM Māori PublicHealth at Hāpai Te Hauora 'This is important to us atHāpai as we advocate for gambling harm reduction every day.We at the front line witnessing the disproportionate harm toMāori caused by problem gambling.'.

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In January 2017 Hāpai Te Hauora wasalerted to the presence of an online gaming product called'Maori' created by Endorphina Ltd. The game includes imagesof tāne and wahine Māori, waka, pounamu, stylised bonecarvings and a rendition of the haka Ka Mate. The format ofthe online game resembles a police machine and was availablefree of charge and without age restriction from EndorphinaLtd's website.

Together with our supporters and ourlegal advisors at Simpson Grierson we contacted EndorphinaLtd. We asked them to remove the game, to apologise, and toimplement policies ensuring the protection of the integrityof all indigenous cultures it might seek to represent in itsfuture products.

Endorphina Ltd

The response
On10 February 2017 we received notification from EndorphinaLtd that they had immediately removed the game, and wouldprovide an apology within the week. Today, we received thatapology and are delighted with the prompt response. Asappropriate, we will look to support the company to developcultural awareness policies to integrate with theirdevelopment process which will minimise harm to Māori andother indigenous peoples who use Endorphina Ltd'sproducts.

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The apology also addressed the particulartaonga of Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Ngāi Tahu:

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“I would like to address specific apology to NgātiToa Rangatira, the iwi whose special relationship with theKa Mate haka is protected by the Haka Ka Mate act andanother specific apology to Ngāi Tahu, the iwi whosespecial relations with pounamu is protected by the NgāiTahu Act 1997 and the 2002 Pounamu Resource ManagementPlan.”

We congratulate Endorphina Ltd fortaking this positive action' said Lance Norman CEO of HāpaiTe Hauora, 'it often feels like our complaints about issuesof cultural appropriation fall on deaf ears and it's awelcome change to see a company acknowledge their mistakeand take steps to make right what's been done.'

'Wethink this Czech Republic company should be an internationalexample of how a misunderstanding around culturalrepresentation can have positive consequences. We celebratethis response because it shows our people that we can createmeaningful change and enhance understanding of our culturewhen we stand together and make our voices heard'.

Previous Media Engagements on this issue:
Endorphina Press Release05/01/2017
Endorphina Te Karere, Ants Hawke,05/01/2017
Endorphina Press Release02/02/2017
Waatea Radio Interview, Ants Hawke andMeihana Durie 03/02/2017
Stuff.co.nz and Newshub Online Stories 04/02/2017

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Endorphina Ltd

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